Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

This is the first post since last year! Since then, I worked at a Dunkin Donuts for about a year. I moved to Florida for a few months and worked at a grocery store deli, and moved back home. Now I am working at a mall, and as an at home personal care assistant. phew! I am also getting my license to be a nursing assistant. I should be able to get an LNA job by the end of January! I just need to figure out if I will leave my home town to get an LNA job or stay here... I may have a great opportunity here, so I will think and pray about it a bit more :)

If anyone reads this, please keep me in your prayers, thanks!

I am going to start being active in my local Chesterton Society again, we will be reading The Well and the Shallows, I know it will be good, looking forward to reading it :) .

Peace out~


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